Saturday, May 14, 2011


There is a photo contest that I am going to enter and I want to know which photo you like better because I can only use one!



Thursday, April 7, 2011

Belated Post

Gosh it has been so long since I've updated. I feel bad but unfortunately there isn't much to update about. The coolest thing Luke and I did recently was last month when we went to All Animal we picked up some new critters. We were in need of a female gargoyle and found a nice looking one of them. Luke got his Frilled Dragon that he has been dying for. I saw a baby 5 lined skink and thought it was pretty sweet and scored one of them. Haven't thought of names for anyone but the new gargoyle. Her name is Alexis. All of our gargoyles have been named German names. Another fun thing was giving Dino his bath this week. Luke's mom bought all kinds of fruit at the store. So i cut it all up into tiny little pieces and fed him melons and grapes and such while he was bathing.

School is almost done though. I had to make another calendar so that i could see what would be due when better. So much stuff is due so rapidly soon it is hard to keep track of it all. But once school is done, i will have so much more time for my beloved critters. I can't wait to love them up, lol. They will probably hate it however, silly reptiles.

Also planning to clean Dino's cage on Sunday. Naughty iggy knows how to make a real mess of everything.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Nice rack. PART II

It's Done!!!! Whoopie!

All of my beautiful leos in it. Males and females together, tails wiggling, happily eating. Ahh. pure happiness.

A big thank you to J. Schurr and M. Hiebing! They helped us build and wire (safely!) the heat tape. The geckos thank you!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Nice rack.

Yep. Luke and I are building a new rack system over spring break for the leo's. We went to fleet farm to get tubs because they are cheaper there and they carry the nice iris brand that work well. Sadly, they didn't have them in the sizes I wanted. So we picked another style to use too. It will be about 6 rows high. The bottom box will be for my females that are not quite up to size, but getting there; it will take up the entire shelf and just in case will have one box for egg-laying/a hide. Then I have some sizeable boxes that will have a breeder box in each in which I will put my females in when they are one on one with a male. Then we are putting more of the small ones that I have some of now on the top and they will be three across. These will be for babies or injured geckos. So all in all the new rack will have 15 boxes for geckos. Ordered the Flexwatt today as well as the clips and their protectors for wiring the tape up. In the next few days we will stop at Menard's for some wood and a dimmer switch. Unless I decide to splurge for a thermometer one. We will see. it would be awfully convenient.

super excited. :) I think the geckos are too.


Friday, March 4, 2011

Should be doing accounting homework...

but that would be the 'good student' thing to do!!! Instead, I want to tell the world that since the leo's have been warmed up for breeding almost all of them have gained 5 grams! They must like their mealworms. :) Oh! So I was playing with blogger the other day and I found a cool feature that I put on my blog. Above the comment area there is a thing that you can click-Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down, or LOL to let me know if you liked the blog or didn't like it! Please use it aggressively! haha.

Like I said in the last post, Matt took pictures of the new critters for us. I just wanted to post some of my favorites.



Topaz & Sienna




Wednesday, March 2, 2011


So I have this Giant Day Gecko named Maddie. She is a feisty little one, although most day geckos are. But the other day we had Luke's cousin Matt over because he has a -nice- camera and volunteered to take pictures of the lizards for us. Maddie has a bit of a rough story though. We got her for free when we purchased leopard geckos from this gentleman who had acquired her in a trade. He had no interest for day geckos so we ended up with her. Thing is her owner before that forced her to breed and the male beat her up good. She has healed up well now but she still has a lot of scaring and two of her feet are messed up. One foot only has like a half of a toe.

At any rate...Matt liked Maddie.

                                                     Maddie didn't really like Matt.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Going to miss them.

So Luke and I have come to a conclusion recently, we have to much stuff. Stuff being different kinds of animals. Because we really want to get into breeding heavily we decided we needed room and began looking for what could go. I'm one of those people that gets really attached to things so the thought of any of my babies leaving is heartbreaking to me. So I thought about it for awhile and I looked at the frogs. I love the frogs. They are beautiful and amazing...and one of the only things left that has to have crickets until summer when we could catch worms. So I told Luke he could sell the frogs, only if he could get a reasonable price on them. If he would have posted them for free I would have been upset. They are in about a 20gal hex or so that we tried to so half water and half land on so that we could put newts in there too. Worked out beautifully, well more in theory than practice, but it still worked. So Luke decided he would sell the Wart-y Newts too that way we could put our Axolotls in the tank. Which would work much better because when we got the tank the hinge on the lid had to be fixed and as a result there were holes big enough for frogs to get out that had to be put in. So when i decorated I made sure that stems of plants went through so they would at least have a hard time getting out.

At any rate, someone took the frogs the other day and Luke didn't tell me. He just told me that I had a 'new kid'. So yesterday when I got to Luke's, after getting situated I asked where I should look. Luke wouldn't tell me so I just went to the frog tank to say hello to them and see how they were doing. I couldn't find them and then Luke told me they were gone. I was actually really sad about it. I guess that he traded them to a little boy who loves frogs. They have a bigger home than what they did, but the family wants to get a bigger home yet when they have some cash. That makes me happy, but I still miss them already. I was so bummed feeling that I just asked Luke to show me what tank for the 'new kid' that he traded for. It was in a little cage inside the 40breeder for the female leos that need to get a bit bigger. She is beautiful. I'm thinking that she is a snow, possibly a mack snow (super?) so that makes her pretty much white...with gorgeous jet black eyes. Jezebel was her instant name after a picture that I once saw of an artist who did humaniod cat women and gorgeous outfits. Jezebel was a fiery red headed one, kind of demonic in appearance. I searched and no matter what I type in I cannot find the artist any longer to link her website. All I know is she worked on 'bristol board' (I think, it sounds right) and used only Prismacolor markers.

Credit of the photos goes to Matt H. who kindly and patiently took pictures of them
Please, if you have any idea what Jezzie is for sure, please leave me a comment. She is mostly the whiteish color but she has a dark brown spot on her back that is kind of large, smaller dark spots on her tail and her head that are barely noticeable.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

It has been awhile...

School has been kind of busy lately, lots of homework, stupid VITA, and work. I'm just so exhausted lately. Also got a new guinea pig to keep Tanner company, he is pretty cute, I named him Jet because he zips all around jazz and wiggles every time you pick him up. He was really scared at first when I introduced him to Tanner, but is making radical improvements everyday! This morning he couldn't wait to rip his piece of romaine through the hesitation at all. :)

The critters are all doing well, and we have since upgraded my big females from a 20 long (a touch cramped) to a 40 critter (exceptionally large for them) and they are loving it! They also figured out the mealworm dish too, which is good because I was getting sick of dropping a mealworm by their head so they would notice it and eat it. I cannot remember where I am when it comes to uploading pictures for the leopard geckos, but they are all taken and please check them out on either LB's Geckos' Facebook Page or LB's Geckos on iHerp!

Right now we have two baby leopards and boy are they feisty!!! I've named the Pistol and Bullseye temporarily but it looks like they will be shipping out soon to their new home in Ohio. I will miss them, but having their cages will be nice for breeding. They were incubated to be females and are het for patternless and raptor.




Sunday, January 30, 2011


ohmyunbelievablegod. Luke was cleaning crested tanks last night and he found EGGS. ohmygosh ohmygosh our first eggs all by ourselves! This is so exciting!!! Can't wait to see the babies. I wish they would hatch now...not in like two months.  Happiness and JOY!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Leopard Gecko - Galilee, Eve, Raptor, Twilight, Elena

Wow! I had a lot of geckos shed this week and these are just the ones at my house!!! My goodness!

The first one I'd like to introduce you too is Galilee and she was one of the first ones I picked for myself and I got her from Wally of Supreme Gecko. She has grown so much since I got her and she is definitely the big eater out of the "babies"!

The next one is Eve. She is the big girl of the large female tank. She is very pretty because of how simple she is.

This big boy is in with the females right now to hopefully start breeding. He doesn't have a name yet though so I have just been calling him Raptor.

Twilight is Midnight's "sister" They are almost identical except for Twilight has more orange on her tail than Midnight (who has like none at all)

And Elena is one of the new geckos that we purchased from a guy that wanted to sell his whole collection. She is currently pregnant right now and hopefully will lay her eggs soon. I'm very excited.

Look forward to more pictures soon and as always if you have an opinion on what any of the geckos might be, please let me know in a comment!!! Thank you!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

LB's Geckos

Well Luke finally got his web page going to start selling baby geckos! yay! make sure those of you who check the blog out that have facebook check it out: LB's Geckos. Also created a page at this neat Internet tool called iHerp. You can do all kinds of fun stuff on it like track when you feed, weigh, breed, etc the animals! iHerp

All the critters are doing well which is good. We adjusted how the leopard geckos are set up and we put all the boys in their individual little boxes. They seem to like it better than the cages too, which is good but in a weird way. Sunny eats a lot. We try to keep five mealworms in his cup at all times but whenever we look, its always empty! He is a little piggie! Morning is a little monster too. As a result I'm glad they got separated from Dawn because she is starting to put on weight now, which makes me very happy. Look forward to more pictures soon, I'm having a rough day and as a result I feel rather lazy and don't feel like putting pictures up right now. Haha, oh well!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Gecko Mania

Wow. Luke spends money like its water when it comes to good gecko deals. Just bought a group of leopard geckos, 8 breeders, 2 babies, and a giant day gecko, along with our very first rack system for a very reasonable price. Gotta shoot the guy an email soon to know which gecko is what kind though. Found out he would meet with us on the way to All Animal Expo and he said he would give us the Leo eggs and the day gecko for free just to get rid of them if we bought some of the other goods. So thinking we were getting a small gecko...we bought a pair of gold dust at the show and thought we might try our hands at breeding them too. Didn't quite work out as planned, but they are all still beautiful. I tried taking some pictures of the gold dust geckos last night but they didn't turn out so hot. Our buddy Matt is gonna come over in the near future when the gargoyle geckos Luke ordered get shipped.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Leopard Gecko - Midnight & Moon

While we were in Illinois (on the way home to be more precise), we met a lady to buy some leopard geckos from her. She sold us 3 beautiful adult female geckos that weigh about 50 grams each. Two had nipped tails at some point but have grown back well. We then purchased a decent sized male to breed with the females at a pet store. He has a little growing to do before I would feel comfortable putting them together, but he has some beautiful colors to him. Two of the four geckos we got that day have shed now and I took some pictures of them.




Also, since I'm just getting into breeding leopard geckos...if you know what the kinds I have are called, please leave me a comment! I am very interested in learning about the different types. Also, Moon weighed 34 grams and Midnight was 58 grams, Twilight was 59 and Eve was 62. At what weight should I start putting a female in by him 1-on-1? If you have any opinions please let me know!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


So shortly after I got Ginger I also got another guinea pig to keep her company. Sadly, Ginger passed away just before New Year's so I just have her friend, Tanner now. He is a really awesome gp, he doesn't make a lot of noise and he LOVES lettuce and romaine and such.

He and Sonic actually get along very well, it is kind of cute. Tanner doesn't like baths like Sonic does though. He rather hates getting wet actually, where Sonic seems to have been a fish in another life. Tanner is rather spoiled though because he gets all kinds of lettuces and oranges every day plus the standard timothy hay and pellets.

Still waiting to take pictures of the big female leopard geckos, they haven't shed yet but they really look like it will be coming soon. And I just realized that i never posted pictures of Galilee and Coral (my two baby leopard geckos) so as soon as they shed again I will take some pictures. Luke and I created a PowerPoint of geckos to keep track of how much we paid for the geckos and such. Looking to breed the leopard geckos and the crested geckos soon, and we just acquired a female gargoyle gecko so Luke ordered a nice male for her to mate with. Hopefully we will have a lot of eggs soon, breeding season is just about to get going!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Hello, Again.

Back from the mini-vacation/take step dad to doctor appointment outing. Somewhat happy to say that we managed quite a few scores. We came back with four new crested geckos, two babies and two almost adults, four leopard geckos, three adult females and one male, a lot of the plants that suction cup to the wall, a lot of the lava rocks with holes in them for the fish tank, another bag of repashy, tank backgrounds and some hermit crab/halloween crab food. And of course the standard 1000 crickets and 1000 mealworms. :) However, today we are going to meet a lady to pick up two more crested geckos and a gargoyle gecko along with some tanks and supplies. So, look forward to pictures of new critters soon!

Sadly, the first guinea pig I got, Ginger, developed an allergy to something she came across or something in her tank and she passed away on new years eve. I miss her so much and so does Tanner. He is getting extra love from me and my dad who seems really taken with him. Dad has even gone out of his way to read about GPs and he read that they are social animals and need a companion (which I already knew and why I was looking for another boy while we were gone). The simple fact he put in effort to learn about them warms my heart though. I am still thinking of getting another pig to replace Ginger, but I am really looking to be smitten with the GP upon sight, not just for a replacement. Ginger was the whole reason I got started and I don't want to tarnish her memory and replace her so quickly. I think I am going to ask my dad to help me make a special cage for tanner that is as big as the whole shelf that he is on so that there is room for another male in the cage with him.

Anyway, I'd like to introduce you to a critter that I have had for a while now. My Halloween Crab, Jamaican.

They are really neat crabs. I've had one other one before him and I think their colors are just beautiful, not to mention when people come over they are really impressed and surprised at the colors these guys have. I treat mine almost the same as a hermit crab. They share the cage actually. I provide a large water dish so that he could fully submerge himself to wet his gills, a dish with hermit crab meal, hermit crab cakes, and they get fresh greens everyday along with the occasional bit of meat. These crabs are mostly nocturnal and love to dig and the soil works best for that. He in particular loves to dig under the water dish. I'm glad that he has a hard shell and the dish isn't heavy or I'd be worried about him getting hurt. They are fast little critters and like to scurry around and they will pinch! I think getting pinched by a crayfish or crawdad hurts more than getting pinched by this guy. I really enjoy watching him eat. He will pick up a piece of what ever he wants and move it toward the little plates underneath his eyes and then they will come outward and separate a little revealing a star shaped toothy mouth and then he puts the food to the teeth and they grind away at the food. It happens pretty quickly and he is not shy about eating either. He will even take a piece of food from your hand if you offer it to him! I also like to give him a bath occasionally during the week to help keep him and the two hermit crabs clean.

That's all for today, talk to you again soon!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy Holidays!

I hope every one had a good holiday! I did. The Christmas time was busy and then Luke and me left for Illinois on the first to enjoy All Animal Expo again. We ended up only getting supplies there and the whole trip turned into mostly a supply trip. That's okay though, we needed to stock up on some stuff. Hopefully, Luke's crested geckos will begin breeding soon. Over the holidays Luke's cousin, Matt, took some really nice pictures of our geckos for us. Here is a teaser of what he did for us.

So, look for a -real- new update soon and enjoy the teaser!