Wednesday, January 12, 2011


So shortly after I got Ginger I also got another guinea pig to keep her company. Sadly, Ginger passed away just before New Year's so I just have her friend, Tanner now. He is a really awesome gp, he doesn't make a lot of noise and he LOVES lettuce and romaine and such.

He and Sonic actually get along very well, it is kind of cute. Tanner doesn't like baths like Sonic does though. He rather hates getting wet actually, where Sonic seems to have been a fish in another life. Tanner is rather spoiled though because he gets all kinds of lettuces and oranges every day plus the standard timothy hay and pellets.

Still waiting to take pictures of the big female leopard geckos, they haven't shed yet but they really look like it will be coming soon. And I just realized that i never posted pictures of Galilee and Coral (my two baby leopard geckos) so as soon as they shed again I will take some pictures. Luke and I created a PowerPoint of geckos to keep track of how much we paid for the geckos and such. Looking to breed the leopard geckos and the crested geckos soon, and we just acquired a female gargoyle gecko so Luke ordered a nice male for her to mate with. Hopefully we will have a lot of eggs soon, breeding season is just about to get going!

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