Wednesday, December 1, 2010


I just got home from class and something exciting happened that I have been waiting for...for like 2 days or so. Kara shed! Kara is one of my baby leopard geckos (I have three). All 3 were clearly going to shed soon I realized Monday when I saw them and I knew I wanted to take nice pictures of them when they did. And lo and behold when I got home from class Kara was beautiful. I tried taking some pictures of her but she refused to hold still long enough to get nice shots and then my camera batteries died. All three of my baby leopard geckos were purchased from Wally of Supreme Gecko ( at two different intervals. Kara was purchased on November 14; Coral and Galilee (Gal-uh-lee) were purchased on August 22 of this year. All are amazing babies and have been shedding, eating, and shedding some more! I also have witnessed them actually drinking from their water dish, which is rather unusual because most leopards that I have seen 'drink' have just licked the drops of leaves and things. Watching them drink is quite possibly the cutest thing I ever saw. When Coral and Galilee shed I will post pictures of them as well.

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