Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Endless Stress

So I have been dieing to get on and update my blog for days. Apparently I typed in my email wrong when signing up so they have been sending my password to a non-existent email (I think...) and haven't bothered to go through and give me access to this darn account. Whole bunch of stress and anger at stupid google was the result. Did you know it is absolutely impossible to contact them with a message for help? You have to post to a forum or wait for an automated email that is useless anyway. Stupid F@#*ing google.

At any rate. I have some good news! I have a hedgehog whom I love but is awfully stressful and expensive. Not to long ago he poked his eye on something and when I woke up in the morning there was blood everywhere in his cage and his eye was popping out. Freaked the bejesus outta me so I ran him to the emergency room to get fixed. The nice doctor kindly knocked him out and sewed his eye shut with stitches and gave me drops for him. He was like that two weeks. Then last Monday I took him in to (hopefully) get the stitches removed and find out his eye was going to stay in and he would only be blind in that eye. Well she wanted to wait another week because she was worried about it popping back out. So on Monday of this week when I took him in again she removed the stitches! So far his little eye is staying in, but he will be blind now in that eye. Sadly, if the eye ever pops out we will have to remove it. Sonic is a little trooper though and he went through the whole ordeal like a man. He never made a fuss or whined in pain once, even when he was all bloody.

A picture before his accident. The eye that is clearly visible on the left is the blind side now.

And now for some more...semi exciting news. Well I got my guinea pig Ginger on black Friday and was kindly misinformed about many things by the individual who sold her to us. We were told that a large ball for her to run in would be great which we were informed at a local pet store would be horrible for her. Then after doing research online about them i found that they should be kept in pairs or groups to make them happier. This I also was not informed of or i would have picked a friend of hers out of the little tank. Well I managed to find a male guinea pig on craigslist for free. Went to check him out today and see if he would work. When I introduced the two they seemed to take to each other right away. I'm not totally surprised by this either, both were kept by themselves for some amount of time. The only downfall is that he is male and she is female... I called the vet to see how much it would be to have one of them fixed/neutered...$90 dollars for him, $150 for her! My gosh! How flippin outrageous is that?! They are guinea pigs for goodness sake not dogs! I cant imagine how much it would be for a damn dog then. Haven't named him or taken pictures of him yet so unfortunately he is unnamed for now. But here is a picture of the sweetheart that I am doing this all for.

Oh and I always stay by Luke on Friday and Saturday nights so on Sunday while I was there we cleaned the 125 gallon. My gosh that this is...huge. So many decorations and rocks. When we got the tank and cleaned and set it all up it took about 15-20 hours. To do a tank cleaning it took 9 hours. Just an enormous amount of things to do. needless to say, we decided that we need more plecos because what we have isn't enough apparently, I scrubbed the decorations only and it took me that long. Luke cleaned gravel and helped with the decorations when he was done. what a flippin job that was. The tank looks beautiful now though.

Well, I hope you had a good weekend. Mine was definitely full of stress and excitement. I'm kind of glad it is over. 


  1. The GPs probably cost more because their parts are tinier and require more skill. Maybe. Why don't you just do the procedure yourself?

  2. That would be an awefully hard thing to do for me. Even if I knew guinea pig anatomy like the back of my hand I still dont have any access to medications, stitches, or any of the correct tools. Silly you, Keith. always causin ruckouses(sp?)
