Wednesday, December 15, 2010


This one is for Luke.

Luke, Gunner and Gus (laying down not looking like a retard)
 Gus just turned 15 years old. He was an awesome dog, you didn't have to tell him to lay down or go away...he was just calm and relaxed and enjoyable to be around. Sadly, he hasn't been doing good recently. His age was just catching up to him. He would fall down, puke and everything you don't ever want to see a dog do because you want them to always be youthful and your buddy. Rather than make him suffer they decided to put him to sleep last night. It was probably one of ther hardest decisions they had to make. It will be better for him though, because he was so old and winters here are kind of harsh.

Love you Gus, you were awesome.

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