Monday, March 21, 2011

Nice rack. PART II

It's Done!!!! Whoopie!

All of my beautiful leos in it. Males and females together, tails wiggling, happily eating. Ahh. pure happiness.

A big thank you to J. Schurr and M. Hiebing! They helped us build and wire (safely!) the heat tape. The geckos thank you!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Nice rack.

Yep. Luke and I are building a new rack system over spring break for the leo's. We went to fleet farm to get tubs because they are cheaper there and they carry the nice iris brand that work well. Sadly, they didn't have them in the sizes I wanted. So we picked another style to use too. It will be about 6 rows high. The bottom box will be for my females that are not quite up to size, but getting there; it will take up the entire shelf and just in case will have one box for egg-laying/a hide. Then I have some sizeable boxes that will have a breeder box in each in which I will put my females in when they are one on one with a male. Then we are putting more of the small ones that I have some of now on the top and they will be three across. These will be for babies or injured geckos. So all in all the new rack will have 15 boxes for geckos. Ordered the Flexwatt today as well as the clips and their protectors for wiring the tape up. In the next few days we will stop at Menard's for some wood and a dimmer switch. Unless I decide to splurge for a thermometer one. We will see. it would be awfully convenient.

super excited. :) I think the geckos are too.


Friday, March 4, 2011

Should be doing accounting homework...

but that would be the 'good student' thing to do!!! Instead, I want to tell the world that since the leo's have been warmed up for breeding almost all of them have gained 5 grams! They must like their mealworms. :) Oh! So I was playing with blogger the other day and I found a cool feature that I put on my blog. Above the comment area there is a thing that you can click-Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down, or LOL to let me know if you liked the blog or didn't like it! Please use it aggressively! haha.

Like I said in the last post, Matt took pictures of the new critters for us. I just wanted to post some of my favorites.



Topaz & Sienna




Wednesday, March 2, 2011


So I have this Giant Day Gecko named Maddie. She is a feisty little one, although most day geckos are. But the other day we had Luke's cousin Matt over because he has a -nice- camera and volunteered to take pictures of the lizards for us. Maddie has a bit of a rough story though. We got her for free when we purchased leopard geckos from this gentleman who had acquired her in a trade. He had no interest for day geckos so we ended up with her. Thing is her owner before that forced her to breed and the male beat her up good. She has healed up well now but she still has a lot of scaring and two of her feet are messed up. One foot only has like a half of a toe.

At any rate...Matt liked Maddie.

                                                     Maddie didn't really like Matt.