Tuesday, November 30, 2010

First Post, First Blog.

So I was researching some care for the new leopard lizards we got the other day when I came across a blog that had some information on it (http://ollieheartscrickets.blogspot.com/ if you're interested) and the idea of a blog about 'critters' really appealed to me, so here it starts.

Luke (my boyfriend and fellow enthusiast) and I are fortunate enough to both live at home with our understanding (for the most part) parents while we attend college. A majority of the animals we own are at his house but I have a few by me as well. We have such a collection too!!! Currently we have:

16 Crested Geckos (hoping to start breeding!)
6 Leopard Geckos
3 Frogs (Green, Pacific, and who knows what)
1 Blue-Diamond Iguana
1 3 Toed-Box turtle
1 Eastern Box Turtle
1 Emerald Swift
1 Salamander
2 Hermit Crabs
1 Halloween Crab
2 Leopard Lizards
1 Anole
1 House Gecko
1 Hybrid Mud/Musk Turtle

and thats it...for now

BUT! we also have 2 dogs, 1 cat, 1 rabbit, 1 hedgehog, and 1 guinea pig. hahaha....coming to our houses is like going to a zoo. I'm sure I will talk about the mammals often, but the reptiles are my main love. Luke and I also have a 125 gallon tank dedicated to chiclids, eels, and loaches.

And I think I'll take a break now because Luke is whining that he is hungry so it's off to make some dinner!